
In this section, you find all the necessary information regarding 音频产品 licenses and the use of audio products purchased at the Templateog体育首页 marketplace. The license authenticates purchasers to use products under certain terms.


Templateog体育首页 marketplace authors of audio files can benefit from the following types of music licenses: Standard, 广播(100万), 大规模繁殖, 广播(1000万), Broadcast, and Music. Depending on how somebody can use your product, the following types of audio licenses can be applied.

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The Standard audio license grants the purchaser a non-exclusive, commercial license to use an audio product in a single application, product, 或项目最初在一个最终产品. The use cases may include synchronization with an audio-visual or audio-only work, 在一个活动中作为背景音乐播放, 一家公司的私人在线音乐系统, 或者是个人铃声.

Possible End Products that can be created using Audio Standard license include DVDs, websites, audiobooks, apps, games, 在线视频(YouTube), Vimeo, etc.), corporate videos, web promos, live performances, social media, Indie Films.


  • build one End Product for a client, and transfer it to the client;
  • modify or manipulate the Item, or combine it with other works, to suit your End Product;
  • the client can adjust the audio product, combine it with other pieces to suit the End Product.


  • redistribute the product as a musical item, stock, in a tool or template, or with source files;
  • 将其与其他内容捆绑为音频汇编;
  • 按原样或经修改后重新分发项目;
  • use in “on-demand,” “made to order,” and “build it yourself” applications;
  • 播放和使用院线发行的电影;
  • Standard music license limits the number of downloaded or physical End Products to 10,000 copies
  • claim trademark over the Audio product within the End Product.


The Music Broadcast license (1 Million) grants the buyer a non-exclusive, commercial license to use the audio asset in a single end product. Same as the Audio Standard license, this one has a bunch of limitations. All-in-all the license permits using audio products in a great number of digital and physical end products.

Possible End Products that can be created using Audio Broadcast License: TV and radio advertisements, TV series, 以及“为电视/有线电视制作”的电影, 一个事件的背景音乐, 地点或地点, 一家公司的私人在线音乐系统, 或者一个个人手机铃声.


  • public performance, display, distribution, and reproduction;
  • 1万个数字下载或实体终端产品;
  • 观众人数不超过100万的广播节目;
  • 未在影院上映的影片;
  • 通过多种媒体分发最终产品, making it available online with unlimited Internet views or page impressions;
  • 修改、操纵资产,与其他作品合并;
  • create variations of an End Product and distribute an End Product through multiple mediums.


  • redistribute the Item as a musical item, as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files;
  • 制作曲目并以音乐CD的形式发行;
  • add lyrics to the Audio asset and sell it as your song on iTunes;
  • 在你的互联网广播服务中使用音频资产;
  • use in “on-demand,” “made to order,” and “build it yourself” applications;
  • claim trademark over the Audio product within the End Product.


The Mass Reproduction License grants the purchaser an ongoing, non-exclusive, commercial license to use the audio asset on the following terms. 即使某些限制是适用的, the license allows using the audio product in a vast array of spheres.

Possible End Products that can be created using Audio Mass Production License: downloaded podcasts, audiobooks, apps, 下载游戏, 下载电子书, and DVDs, 一个事件的背景音乐, venue, or location, 一家公司的私人在线音乐系统, 或者一个个人手机铃声.


  • 观众人数不超过100万的广播节目;
  • 未在影院上映的影片;
  • create unlimited copies of downloaded or physical End Products;
  • 创建最终产品的无限副本;
  • 通过媒体分发最终产品, making it available online with unlimited Internet views or page impressions;
  • build one End Product for a client, and transfer it to your client;
  • downloaded podcasts, audiobooks, apps, 下载游戏, 下载电子书, and DVDs;
  • 直接播放像背景音乐为一个事件, venue, or location, 一家公司的私人在线音乐系统, 或者一个个人手机铃声;
  • utilize at a public performance, display, distribution, and reproduction;
  • create unlimited copies of digitally downloaded or physical End Products;
  • modify or manipulate the Item, combine it with other works to suit your End Product.


  • redistribute as a musical item, as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files;
  • 按原样或修改后重新分发;
  • use in “on-demand,” “made to order,” and “build it yourself” applications;
  • claim trademark over the Audio product within the End Product.


The Audio Broadcast License (10 Million) grants a purchaser a non-exclusive, commercial license to use the audio asset they have selected in synchronization with an audio-visual or audio-only work, 作为一个事件的背景音乐直接播放, venue, or location, in 一家公司的私人在线音乐系统 或者一个个人手机铃声. The Audio Broadcast License allows utilizing audio products at a public performance, display, distribution, and reproduction and creating unlimited copies of digitally downloaded or physical versions of the End Product.

Possible End Products that can be created using Audio Broadcast License include TV and radio advertisements, TV series, 以及“为电视/有线电视制作”的电影, 一个事件的背景音乐, 地点或地点, 一家公司的私人在线音乐系统, 或者一个个人手机铃声.


  • 收视人数不超过1000万的广播节目;
  • 未在影院上映的影片;
  • 创建最终产品的无限副本;
  • 通过媒体分发最终产品, making it available online with unlimited Internet views or page impressions;
  • 创建一个最终产品并将其转交给您的客户;
  • modify the Audio asset combining it with other works to suit your End Product.


  • redistribute the Item as a musical item, as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files;
  • 与其他物品捆绑,或修改物品;
  • 按原样或经修改后重新分发项目;
  • 制作曲目并以音乐CD的形式发行;
  • add lyrics to the Audio asset and sell it as your song on iTunes;
  • 在你的互联网广播服务中使用音频资产;
  • use in “on-demand,” “made to order,” and “build it yourself” applications
  • claim trademark or service mark rights over the Item within an End Product.



All audio products presented at the Templateog体育首页 marketplace can be used for free or paid end products.




Most web uses include general online and streaming-only purposes that include uploading the end product to YouTube, a website, 或者是基于网页的游戏.


如果你在Broadcast项目中使用音频资源, you need to ask the client or your producer regarding the potential reach. The audience size up to 1 million is a local or hyper-targeted broadcast, 从地区到国家的规模是100万到1000万, and above 10 million is typical for national and international broadcasts.